Your perverseness make problem which you face to become complicated progressively. Situation and condition still completely [do] not enable to act furthermore. Disappointment of you in the past make you losing of trust to someone. Lessen the nature of your egoist. Work : Emerge
job/activity resistance. Love : Remembered by past. Monetary : Worry

Better for you to bear with and don't too forcing of x'self to finish existing problem. Resistance for the shake of resistance will emerge silih change in the current week. Better to keep silence for the time being and enjoy existing atmosphere. Utilizing time to do x'self intropeksi. Work : Emerge resistance do not be anticipated. Love : Longing someone. Monetary : Don'T too calculation.
all of those are only for some one that believe it.
but you have to believe yourself!!!
all of those are only for some one that believe it.
but you have to believe yourself!!!