Paul Booth was born in Boonton New Jersey and is one of the painters of the world's most famous tattoo artists, style, dark and morbid qualities of the gray scale tattoos are readily apparent. Sus amigos lo llaman “Master of darkness”. His friends call him "Master of Darkness." Es autodidacta en su estilo de dibujo y pintura. It is self-taught in painting and drawing style. Es uno de los pioneros del Gotik Art y del tatuaje Satánico y oscuro que el ha concebido a trabes de lecturas de los clásicos de la novela de terror. It is one of the pioneers of Art and Tattoo Gotik dark Satanic has conceived the girders of readings of classic horror novel. De el Shawn Barber dice que es el hombre que tatuó al Diablo. In the Shawn Barber says he is the man who tattooed the Devil.Gracias a Booth el tatuaje ha pasado de ser algo marginal a ser un arte reconocido como tal. Thanks to Booth tattooing has gone from being a marginal to be recognized as an art. Su estudio de Nueva York se llama The Last Ritos Tattoo y entre sus clientes están sobre todo gente del mundo del Metal y el Rock como Phil Anselmo de Pantera, los componentes del grupo Slipknot o su amigo Ozzy Osbourne. His study of New York is called The Last Rites Tattoo and its customers are mostly people in the world of Rock and Metal and Phil Anselmo of Pantera, Slipknot members of the group or your friend Ozzy Osbourne.